
Sustainable finance supports economic growth while reducing pressures on the environment

It tackles pollution and focuses on green-house gas emissions by minimising waste and improving efficiency in the use of natural resources.

It is the provision of finance to investments taking into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations. ​​The savings and retail banking model creates growth and jobs as it finances SMEs – ​the EU engines of growth. They also play a role in opening their network to everyone, and help to educate citizens in the region in which they operate.

Environment-Friendly Business

WSBI-ESBG​ member banks recognize that climate change is one of the main collective hazards ever experienced worldwide. As part of their strong commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development, WSBI-ESBG and its members contribute to the mitigation of climate change and therefore they:

  • ​Acknowledge the risks and opportunities caused by environmental issues and adapt their business accordingly.
  • Work towards mitigating the impact of their business on the environment, both directly in terms of own operations and indirectly in terms of customers and suppliers.
  • Promote environmentally sustainable projects for, amongst others, the energy and transport sectors, mainly via the loan business and ultimately to all stakeholders.
  • Promote products and services that respect social, good governance and environmental and sustainable development criteria.

Responsible Employers

In their role as responsible employers and as part of their philosophy, WSBI-ESBG member banks:

  • ​Promote and respect human rights. Promote gender diversity and inclusion, as equal opportunity employers, they do not discriminate on any grounds in their workplace ​and promote the empowerment of women.
  • Provide high-quality jobs and good, healthy working conditions for their employees in all the regions in which they operate. Also, help achieve a good work-life balance.
  • Promote a corporate culture strongly aligned with the responsible role of their business.