WSBI International Retail Banking Leaders Conference - Registration

EVENT: WSBI International Retail Banking Leaders Conference

Registro / Registration

17 MARCH 2023

WSBI Encuentro Internacional de Líderes de Banca Retail


EVENTO: Tendencias globales en educación financiera, ciberseguridad y finanzas sostenibles

WSBI Encuentro Internacional de Líderes de Banca Retail

17 MARZO 2023

Regístrese para el evento

Este encuentro reunirá a líderes del sector de la banca retail, así como reguladores y organismos técnicos de avanzada, para un enriquecedor intercambio sobre los temas más apremiantes a nivel mundial y regional.

Encabezado por el presidente del WSBI, Sr. Isidro Fainé (presidente de la Fundación ‘”la Caixa”); y el presidente regional de WSBI para América y el Caribe, el Sr. Diego Prieto Rivera (Presidente del Banco Caja Social, Colombia), esta será una ocasión única para el intercambiar conocimientos, y crear vínculos con los miembros de la directiva del Instituto, representantes de nuestra prestigiosa organización provenientes de todo el mundo, así como con actuales y potenciales miembros de la región Latinoamericana.


8.00 – 8.30 AM
8.30 – 9.00 AM
Mensajes de bienvenida

Peter Simon
Director General WSBI-ESBG

Diego Prieto Rivera
Presidente Regional del WSBI para América y el Caribe y Presidente de Banco Caja Social (Colombia)

09.00 – 10.30 AM

PRIMERA SESIÓN: Historias de éxito en Digitalización y Ciberseguridad

Carlos Morales Roviralta, Director de la Oficina de Representación de CaixaBank en Colombia


    • Al-Amine Nejjar, CEO de Al Barid Bank y presidente regional del
      WSBI para Africa (Marruecos)
    • Alok Kumar Choudhary, Director general de Operaciones del Banco estatal de India (virtual)
    • Fabián Hernández, Presidente CEO de Telefónica Movistar Colombia
    • Daniel Madrid Díaz, Responsable global de la práctica de consultoría en riesgo tecnológico y ciberseguridad en Minsait

10.30 – 11.00 AM

Pausa café   ☕ Hot Beverage Emoji

11.00 – 12.30 PM

SEGUNDA SESIÓN : Finanzas sostenibles

Discurso introductorio: Helmut Schleweis, Presidente de la Asociación Alemana de Cajas de
Ahorro (DSGV)


José María Méndez, Director General de CECA y CEO de Cecabank (España)


  • Marcela Ponce Pérez
    Directora del Programa de Finanzas Climáticas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • Mariana Escobar Uribe
    Líder del Grupo de Trabajo de Finanzas Sostenibles de la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia
  • Eugenio Solla
    Chief Sustainability Officer y Miembro del Comité de Dirección de CaixaBank (virtual)
  • Clemente del Valle
    Director del Centro Regional de Finanzas Sostenibles de Uniandes y miembro del sustainable Development Investment Future Council del World Economic Forum

12.30 – 02.00 PM Almuerzo

02.00 – 03.30 PM

TERCERA SESIÓN: La educación financiera como medio para la inclusión financiera

Discurso introductorio: Dominique Goursoulle- Nouhaud, Presidenta de ESBG y de la Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne (FNCE) (Francia)


Moderador: Joan Rosás, Director de Relaciones Institucionales Internacionales CaixaBank


  • Faustino Laínez Mejía, Presidente de Banco Atlántida (Honduras)
  • Jorge Solís, Presidente de la Federación Peruana de Cajas Municipales de Ahorro y Crédito (FEPCMAC)
  • Diego Prieto Rivera, Presidente de Banco Caja Social (Colombia)

03.30 – 04.05 PM

Discurso de clausura

  • Isidro Fainé, Presidente del WSBI y presidente de la Fundación “la Caixa”


4.40 PM
Transporte hacia el hotel Santa Clara

6.00 PM
Transporte desde los hoteles Santa Clara y Radisson al muelle de La Bodeguita

6.30 PM
Tour de la bahía

7.45 PM
Arribo al restaurant del Club de Pesca

8.00 PM

Transporte de regreso a los hoteles Santa Clara y Radisson

Sobre Cartagena de Indias

Pretty street in Cartegna

Una de las joyas del Caribe, Cartagena de Indias combina el sabor colonial de su ciudad amurallada protegida por la UNESCO con la modernidad de un destino de primera para convenciones y reuniones de negocios. Todo esto realzado por la hospitalidad y alegría de su gente.

descubrir más

Clima y código de vestimenta

En marzo, típicamente Cartagena de Indias tiene 25°C como temperatura mínima y 32°C como temperatura máxima. En esta ciudad tropical costera, la humedad en el ambiente se mantiene constante a un nivel del 100%.

Se recomienda vestir telas frescas como el lino y el algodón.

WSBI International Retail Banking Leaders Conference


EVENT: Global trends on financial education, cybersecurity and sustainable finance

WSBI International Retail Banking Leaders Conference

17 MARCH 2023

Register for the event

This Conference will bring together leaders and decision makers from the retail banking sector for an enriching exchange on the most pressing topics at the global and regional levels.

Hosted by the WSBI President, Mr Isidro Fainé (President at ‘La Caixa’ Foundation); and the WSBI Regional President for The America and Caribbean, Mr Diego Prieto (President at Banco Caja Social, Colombia), this will be a unique knowledge exchange and networking occasion. The conference will count with the participation of members of the WSBI Board representing the sector at the global level, and of current and potential members from Latin America.


8.00 – 8.30 AM
8.30 – 9.00 AM
Welcome Messages

Peter Simon
WSBI-ESBG Managing Director

Diego Prieto
WSBI, Regional President for America and the Caribbean and President of Banco Caja Social

09.00 – 10.30 AM

PANEL 1: Success stories in Digitization, Big Data and Cybersecurity


Carlos Morales Roviralta, CaixaBank Colombia


    • Al-Amine Nejjar, CEO of Al Barid Bank and regional president of the WSBI for Africa (Morocco)
    • Alok Kumar Choudhary, Managing Director for Retail Business & Operations at State Bank of India (online)
    • Daniel Madrid Díaz, Strategic Cybersecurity and Technological Risk Director at Minsait
    • Fabián Hernández, President CEO of Telefónica Movistar Colombia

10.30 – 11.00 PM

Coffee Break  ☕

11.00 – 12.30 PM

PANEL 2 : Sustainable finance


  • Helmut Schleweis, President of the German Savings Bank Association (DSVG)


Jose María Méndez, Managing Director at CECA and CEO at Cecabank (Spain)


  • Marcela Ponce Pérez, Climate Finance Leader for Latin America and the Caribbean, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • Mariana Escobar Uribe, Advisor to the Financial Superintendent of Colombia and Head of the Sustainable Finance Hub at Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia
  • Eugenio Solla, Chief Sustainability Officer and member of the CaixaBank Management Committee (virtual)
  • Clemente del Valle, Member of the Sustainable Development Investment Future council and the Infrastructure 4.0 Community

12.30 – 02.00 PM LUNCH

02.00 – 03.30 PM

PANEL 3: Financial education as a means for financial inclusion


Dominique Goursoulle- Nouhaud, President Chairman of the National Federation of Caisses d’Epargne (FNCE).

Panel discussion


Joan Rosás, Head of International Institutional Relations at CaixaBank


  • Faustino Laínez Mejía, President of Banco Atlantida (Honduras)
  • Jorge Solís, President of the Peruvian Federation of Municipal Savings and Credit Banks (FEPCMAC)
  • Diego Prieto Rivera, President of Banco Caja Social (Colombia)

03.30 – 04.05 PM

Closing Speech

  • Isidro Fainé, President of the WSBI and President of the La Caixa Foundation


4.40 PM
Transportation to the Santa Clara hotel

6.00 PM
Transportation from Santa Clara and Radisson Hotels to La Bodeguita

6.30 PM
Board a catamaran for a tour of the bay.

7.45 PM
Arrival at the Fishing Club Restaurant

8.00 PM

About Cartagena de Indias

Pretty street in Cartegna

One of the jewels of the Caribbean, Cartagena de Indias combines the colonial flavour of its UNESCO protected walled city with the modernity of a top destination for conventions and business gatherings. All of this enhanced by the effortless hospitality of its lively people.

Discover more

Weather and dress code

In March, typically Cartagena de Indias has 25°C as the lowest and 32°C as the highest daily temperatures. This Coastal tropical city, the humidity level is constant at 100%.

Wearing fresh fabrics such as linen and cotton is recommended even for business or formal occasions.

ESBG co-signs cross-business statement on future corporate due diligence rules

As the discussions around the proposed EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence continue, ESBG, together with 26 other business associations, addressed policy makers with a number of recommendations and concerns.

The statement focused on key messages that large parts of the international business sector identified as essential to creating a feasible and coherent set of rules. The associations highlighted that carrying out the required due diligence checks across the entire value chain is neither manageable nor realistic, and recommended implementing a truly risk-based approach instead.
The obligation to exercise due diligence must be proportionate to the size and means of the company in question. Furthermore, the parties stressed that the list of conventions in the Annex to the Directive is too extensive and generates legal uncertainty, considering that these norms are only applicable to states and not to private legal entities.
The statement also made clear that directors should not be held liable for the company’s compliance with the rules and that legal liability provisions need to be balanced. Regarding the overall design of the Directive, the associations called for an option to organise the due diligence measures at group level and warned of the risks that a fragmented European legal landscape would bring.
In general, the business actors asked for clear guidance ahead of the new rules’ entry into force, and reiterated that more emphasis should be put on multi-stakeholder initiatives. The European Parliament is expected to vote on its position in May 2023, before negotiations with the Council and the Commission on the final text will start.




WSBI-ESBG Managing Director Peter Simon appointed EBIC Chair

Peter Simon, WSBI-ESBG Managing Director

Brussels, 18 January 2023 – The EBIC announced today that Peter SIMON was appointed as Chair of the European Banking Industry Committee (EBIC) for a two-year mandate. Peter Simon, Managing Director of the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute – European Savings and Retail Banking Group (WSBI-ESBG), succeeds Wim Mijs, CEO of the European Banking Federation (EBF).

Nina Schindler, CEO of the European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB), was appointed as the EBIC’s Vice-Chair. The overall secretariat, which rotates along with the chair, will be in the hands of the EBF as of today.

The change comes at a busy time for the EBIC with several critical pieces of legislation under negotiation by the co-legislators (CRR3, CRD6, AMLD6, AMLR, TFR, CCD, DMFSD) and the revision of the Crisis Management Framework (BRRD3) and Mortgage Credit Directive (MCD2) still to come.

Mr Simon said: “I look forward to facilitating, together with the secretariat of the EBF, the dialogue between the EBIC members and to ensure, that this platform channels the united views of the industry as efficiently and effectively as possible. I want to thank my predecessor, Wim Mijs and the secretariat of the EACB, for their work in the past two years and in particular for bringing together the EBIC associations on the topic of COVID and its consequence on society and banks.”

Established in 2004, EBIC is committed to giving the EU banking sector a common voice within the context of the Union’s legislative initiatives in finance and banking, maintaining an open and fruitful dialogue with the EU institutions and international bodies. As an advisory committee that is regularly called upon to provide expertise, EBIC is also a forum for the European banking industry’s representatives. Throughout the drafting, adoption, implementation, and enforcement process of financial legislation, EBIC ensures a representative and sound industry contribution toward better regulation across the EU.

Click to access the Press Release

Press contact: Nihan Cevirgen
Communications Manager
Tel. +32 2211 1190

Captions Picture 2: From Left to Right: Nina Schindler, CEO of the European Association of Co-operative Banks | Peter Simon, WSBI-ESBG Managing Director | Wim Mijs, CEO of the European Banking Federation


The very real challenge of cybersecurity and how to face it


Month: January 2023

Criminals do not rob banks gun in hand and wearing masks anymore, in the way old films show, but they still break into banks. How? Hiding behind their computer screens and covering their digital tracks.

By Janine Barten

Cyber-attack risks increased over the past years, resulting in cybersecurity and digital operational resilience being a top priority for banks all over the globe. Most banks are prone to cyberattacks now customers are relying more and more on digital channels and electronic banking to perform their daily transactions. The risks that the banking sector faces are multiplied by the large number of users involved – and the lack of control banks have over the behavior of these users. That is why financial institutions are significantly investing in cybersecurity strategies, to remain one step ahead of cybercriminals.

The gap between cybersecurity and business needs

Despite all the security measures taken, banks continue to face certain challenges to protect their systems, their customers and their data, and their financial holdings. Ransomware and phishing attacks remain a common issue and are also getting more disruptive. Cybersecurity awareness is improving, however, especially as more ransomware attacks get publicized in the media. But as time progresses, the level of complexity increases. IT systems and software are getting increasingly interconnected and more complex in general – and so must be the cybersecurity measures that are put in place to protect banks and their customers.

One of the main issues is bridging the gap between cybersecurity and business needs. Good cybersecurity means adapting to the business needs. Philipp Schaefer, Cyber Risk Expert and Peter Mikeska, Cyber Security Expert at Erste Bank Group, highlighted the organisational challenges banks are dealing with: “As savings banks find themselves in an environment of ever-increasing cyber threats, the heterogenic nature of how saving banks are organised provides challenges for a sound response to sudden cyber challenges. Swift communication lines among saving banks and towards their ICT are key for identifying threats quickly and allow partner banks to benefit from individual discoveries immediately”, the experts said in a written statement.

“In addition, as costs for protective and anticipatory measures towards cyber threats increase, a unified approach towards cyber threats and its communication becomes necessary to allow the individual savings bank to keep its cost at bay while also benefitting from a state-of-the-art level of know-how and protection”, the statement continued. “However, this doesn’t come without caveats, as savings banks would need to surrender some of their direct control over part of their business to a centralised entity consolidating the ICT efforts, making it both a challenge and chance for the savings banks.” The shortage of cybersecurity professionals to handle all these aspects remains a considerable challenge as well.

Initiatives on European level

“You no longer need armies and missiles to cause mass damage. You can paralyse industrial plants, city administrations and hospitals – all you need is your laptop. You can disrupt entire elections with a smartphone and an internet connection”. These are the words of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, used in her State of the Union Address in September 2021 to underline the growing importance of cybersecurity and call for stronger measures to address cyber threats.

Similar to banks, the European Union is also taking steps in the field of cybersecurity. Following up on its path to the digital decade to deliver on the Union’s digital transformation by 2030, the Cybersecurity Act entered into force in 2021, defining the tasks of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), the European watchdog for cybersecurity.

In May 2022, the Council and the Parliament reached provisional agreement on the revision of the Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems, better known as the NIS2 Directive, to further improve the resilience and incident response capacities of both the public and private sector. Political agreement was also reached on the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), the lex specialis of the NIS2 Directive for the financial sector. Banks, stock exchanges, clearinghouses, as well as FinTechs, will have to respect strict standards to prevent and limit the impact of ICT-related incidents.

Additionally, the Commission published the proposal for the Cyber Resilience Act in September 2022, which aims at establishing common cybersecurity standards for digital products and associated services that are placed on the European market.

The road ahead: Education and innovation

All these regulatory initiatives can certainly set requirements to be put on actors like banks, however, at the end of the day, the weakest links are usually humans – be they bank employees or bank customers. Continuous education is required to keep them aware of possible cyber threats.

On that note, CaixaBank offers their customers and employees extensive cybersecurity awareness programs and content in matters relating to cybersecurity through their Security space, a section on their website specifically dedicated to a secure online experience for customers. The website contains tips and advice on how to use products and services securely and reliably. Next to initiatives like the CaixaBankProtect News newsletter, CaixaBank has also set up a podcast featuring fraud victims, in which they touch upon a variety of topics such as fraudulent messages, how to manage passwords, secure online shopping, and antivirus software for your mobile phone.

Technological initiatives are important as well, as Philipp Schaefer and Peter Mikeska explain: “Focal point at Erste for online banking and communication with the customer is the platform George. Here, all data flows are monitored and permanently analysed towards anomalies. Should threats be discovered, an immediate response is initiated by blocking harmful actions and the affected customer will be contacted and informed. In case of a significant uprise of a threat, each customer entering our platform will be briefed and needs to confirm the message to proceed. The smartphone application of George can also discover if harmful code from other applications tries to gain access. Lastly, multifactor authorisation protects our customers from further threats.”

Despite the cyber threat constantly being present, there is also room for optimism. The fast development of cyber threats and both European and national regulation to address those threats will push banks to innovation. In addition, strong cybersecurity measures could lead to increased consumer trust. As Ursula von der Leyen stated in her State of Union Address: “We should not just be satisfied to address the cyber threat, but also strive to become a leader in cybersecurity”.

Criminals will always be on the watch out for the weakest link. WSBI-ESBG members stand ready to counter this challenge and enhance the security of both their customers and the society at large.

Janine Barten is WSBI-ESBG adviser with expertise on digital finance and innovation.

Meet the Innovation and Payments Team

A shortened version of this article awas published in WSBI-ESBG’s Financial News and Views December 2022 Edition on PAGE 5

Click to access the Article

The 28th African Regional Group Meeting convenes in Cape Verde

Representing 27 financial institutions from 20 countries, WSBI Africa Regional Group convened in Cape Verde during 6-7 October 2022.

By Stephanie Yeze

Co-organized by WSBI and Caixa Económica de Cabo Verde, the Africa Regional Group came together physically for the first time since the last in-person meeting that was held in Zimbabwe back in 2019 during the 28th edition of these meeting series. As one of the long-lasting regional groups of WSBI, Africa Regional Group brings together members in the African region to keep close exchange on the members’ priority topics of the year.
This year’s meeting focused on “Banking Development Strategy & Leadership” and saw the active participation of more than 30 delegates from such countries as South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Morocco, Senegal and of course from the hosting country Cape Verde.

Following the welcoming speeches made by Mr. Antonio Moreira, CEO of CAIXA Económica de Cabo Verde, Mr. El Moussaoui M’hamed, Al Barid Bank President and also the newly named WSBI Africa Regional Group President, and Mr. Peter Simon, Managing Director of WSBI-ESBG, the two days event was officially inaugurated by H.E. Mr. Carlos Santos, Minister of the Cape Verde Government. During his speech, Mr. Santos highlighted that the 28th Strategic African Regional Group Meeting would allow participants to discuss relevant themes for the institutional developments, the banking development strategy activities and leadership as well as providing them with an analysis on the new trends for the banking sectors globally and at the level at the regional group.

The first day started with a panel on process ‘from postal financial services to retail bank’. During the panel, representatives from Al Barid Bank Morocco, Tanzania Commercial Bank and Central Bank of Cape Verde, were able to discuss the different angles and solutions to facilitate the process. On the second session, MicroBank, which is the social bank of the CaixaBank Group, made a presentation with a focus on inclusion through microcredit and other financing with social impact. During the panel, the participants were briefed on how the network of branches has adapted their financial products and services to the needs of not only entrepreneurs, microenterprises and also families in order to promote personal development, social progress and financial inclusion before and after the pandemic. The following session on “Developing MSME Growth in Africa” elaborated on the findings of the SOI 2022 report which examines the role of WSBI members in driving MSME growth in Africa. Finally, the last panel of the day put the emphasis on “Leadership and Change Management”. By working together, the whole audience was able to reflect on their own individual leadership and willingness to be open to a potential change of leading.

Stephanie Yeze is international & institutional relations advisor of WSBI-ESBG with expertise on Africa

Meet the WSBI Team

ESBG’s letter to the Commission on the EBA RTS and GL on interest rate risk in the banking book

On 20 December 2022, ESBG sent a letter to the European Commission about the draft EBA Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on interest rate risks for banking book (IRRBB) supervisory outlier tests (SOT) and EBA Guidelines on IRRBB and credit spread risk in the banking book (CSRBB).

Whilst we support a revision of the framework capturing interest rate risks for banking book positions, we also believe that the 2,5% SOT threshold for the definition of “large decline” in net interest income (NII) suggested by the EBA is not appropriate as it was calibrated in a low interest rate environment. We therefore suggested that the EBA continues monitoring the normalisation of the monetary policy and only re-calibrates the threshold at a later stage more in line with current market conditions. Furthermore, we pointed out that the relative quantitative impact study was performed at consolidated level and only with a small number of large banks, which makes the calibration of the threshold even less appropriate.

Furthermore, in order to avoid different interpretations and ensure a level playing field, we stressed in relation to the EBA GL on IRRBB and CSRBB that non-marketable instruments, e. g. loans to customers, should be generally exempted from the scope of the CRSBB framework. The value of these instrument is not exposed to market fluctuations, moreover they are already covered through banks’ credit risk management processes.

The European Commission is currently reviewing the EBA RTS on IRRB SOT and is allowed to propose amendments to the text, which would eventually need to be assessed by the EBA. The Commission aims to publish the final RTS around mid-2023. For what concerns the EBA GL on IRRBB & CSRBB, the Commission cannot propose amendments but may suggest a revision to the EBA.

Looking ahead, ESBG will continue to remain engaged with the Commission during the review process.

Read the Full Letter



ESBG responds to the ESAs call for evidence on greenwashing

The European Supervisory Authorities (ESMA, EBA, EIOPA) received a request for input from the Commission relating to greenwashing risks and supervision of sustainable finance policies. Therefore, they asked for input on potential greenwashing practices in the EU financial sector. On 10 January 2023, ESBG provided the ESAs with its contribution.

ESBG welcomes this call for evidence since greenwashing is an issue which must be tackled at the EU-level and would like to recall that banks and savings banks are intensively dedicated to the traceability, transparency and credibility of the sustainability features they have to consider in investment advice and financial portfolio management. The EU Taxonomy, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) already aims at tackling greenwashing.

Nonetheless, ESBG regrets that these different regulations are currently based on a different understanding of greenwashing. The existence of a large amount of complex ESG information and data that needs to be provided to investors and clients can also create a perverse effect through an information overload which can facilitate greenwashing.

Therefore, in the interest of customers, banks, saving banks and issuers of financial products, ESBG assesses that there is an urgent need for a harmonization of the understanding of greenwashing within the framework of European legislations and supervisory practices. ESBG believes that it could be achieved through the following steps:

  • First, there is a need to strengthen transparency through a consistent enforcement of existing EU regulations’ requirements.
  • Then, a clear and scientifically comprehensible, as well as uniform legal definitions of both sustainability and greenwashing for financial instruments must be implemented, keeping in mind the need for practicality and feasibility for banks and saving banks when implementing these requirements.
